Christchurch Earthquakes
When Christchurch was facing hard times we were more than willing to do our part to help.
With many local surveying businesses not having access to offices and equipment, Terra Vision was in a position to carry out required assessments and zoning. This demonstration of resilience from the city was both harrowing and heartbreaking.
After the earthquakes which struck Christchurch, many local surveying businesses were unable to access offices and equipment. We were in a position to join a team of others and carry out vital surveying and infrastructure assessments.
This was a period where it was a great example of a group of people thrown together and cooperating brilliantly to achieve a fantastic end result.
We sectioned the accessible parts of the city into different zones and did a series of asset surveys looking at position, height and damage to manholes and water and sewer mains. This revealed the extent of the subterranean damage and allowed the city and government to prioritise different areas. After about six months the rebuild got under way and the survey work was carried out by others at that point, but it was a very exciting and at the same time sobering project to be involved in.
Ancillary to this work, we also carried out a number of deformation surveys and monitoring surveys in different parts of the city assessing ground movement. We are very proud of the work we did to assist the rebuild of Christchurch.